Monday, May 23, 2005


Idiots. They’re everywhere. It’s not that I think that I am so smart, it’s just that some people are SO dumb. Take for instance, 4 way stop signs. The other day I sat at one of the 4 way stops here in Cody for almost a minute before someone decided to make a move. Unfortunately, I was behind someone already. I don’t understand what is so hard about yielding to the right of way, and or letting the person who got there first go. Grrr!

Another thing. Seatbelts. Why do I see so many people driving around in Cody who don’t fasten their seatbelts? Do they somehow think that they are not ever going to get in a wreck with that old lady who couldn’t get past the 4 way stop? I can think of a lot better and honorable ways of buying the farm than to get it because I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt! Isn’t it a law here in Wyoming that you are supposed to be wearing your seatbelt? That would be a really stupid thing to get pulled over for don’t you think?

Speaking of idiots, how about that guy who flew into the restricted airspace over the nation’s capital last week? I just read today that the Feds busted him on violating 7 FAR’s! That’s right 7! The one that blows me away is that he violated FAR 91.131(a)(1). Operated an aircraft within Class B airspace without receiving an ATC clearance or establishing and maintaining two-way radio communication with the ATC facility controlling that airspace. Did he not have a chart with him? Was he not paying attention to where he was at all? IDIOT!! Gee, why is there a BLACKHAWK flying next to me?? What’s that Citation doing that’s following the Blackhawk so close? Where did those two F-16’s come from and why are they dropping flairs? IDIOT!! John Q. Public is already scared enough of small airplanes, and you just gave them more reason to think that they are dangerous!!

It’s Monday, and I had to rant a little…


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