Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I am still in disbelief at how Barbara Cubin got re-elected. I guess that I shouldn't be though, since this is Wyoming, and somehow people think that just because of that they should blindly vote "R" no matter what.

One thing that will be interesting to watch is that any protection afforded those who took money in any way connected to Jack Abramoff is gone now, since the Republicans are no longer in charge. This could get interesting!

Another thing is that the half of these Wyoming people who voted for her got what they deserved when they blindly pulled the "R" lever for her. She was ineffective for 12 years under a Republican ran House, now she'll be even more ineffective as the only minority party Representative for an unpopulated Western state.

Everyone knew that the Democrats were going to do well this time around... And we could have had a guy on the winning team who would have worked really hard for this state...


At 4:23 AM, November 15, 2006, Blogger Scott Fouru said...

Having an 'R' next to her name isn't the only reason Congresswoman Cookie Lady got reelected last Tuesday. The relentless drumbeat of negative ads---the only type ran in her behalf since the primary---helped a bit. Sure, people say they hate them, but they work; just like they worked for Craig Thomas in his first Senate race against Mike Sullivan in the last century. Add to that the cementing in the electorate that Gary Trauner was, is, and shall forever more be a---gasp---Nyoo Yawker (which is worse than a cannibalistic pedophile), and you had people who were just too fearful to do anything other than fill in the bubble for Babs. Also, having a locally popular Vice President come and pull for her doesn't hurt any. Plus, as nasty or arrogant as she might be in real life, she looks good in a dress and in pictures. If she would have been, say, Charlie Scott with the same liabilities, she would have been toast.

At 10:50 PM, November 16, 2006, Blogger a572mike said...

Looks good in a photo? Have you seen the file photo that The Billings Gazette always publishes of her? To quote John Stuart, that look is where boners go to die!


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