Tuesday, May 24, 2005

More Idiots!!

This morning, there was a power outage that affected nearly half of Cody. Of course, no power means that traffic lights will be out. What do people do? First off, they don't know what to do! Thankfully, there are many tourists and out of staters around who are from metropolitan ares who understand that when a light is out, it must be treated as if it were a 4 way stop! 4 way stop? That's another problem all together as I have previously talked about, so coupling that with the confusion of what to do at dark intersection, is a recipe for Cody Chaos! I saw a guy in a haul truck go barreling though an intersection completely oblivous to those around him. Good thing others around him were paying attention!


At 12:40 AM, June 23, 2005, Blogger a572mike said...

Yes, they are... and that intersection keeps getting worse...


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