Friday, June 23, 2006


I've already made more roadtrips this summer than I did all of last summer combined. Yes, having a girlfriend who lives at the opposite corner of the state from me has contributed to this, but so has work lately. Take the other day for instance. My boss and I went to Kemmerer to look at the airport, and then to Pinedale to attend an airport board meeting.

This was the first time in my life that I had been to Kemmerer, Wyoming. For those of you that don't know, the second "er" is silent when you say it, so it pronounces this way; "Kemmer". Which begs the question, why the hell is it there in the first place. I am sure that the people who live there get tired of people mispronouncing the name of their fair village. After the visit to Kemmerer, I found myself wanting to add an extra "er" to any word that ends with an "er". Like for instance, "trucker" would be "truckerer" or "CD Player" would be "CD Playerer". A multitude of other words also crossed my mind as well...

I was quite surprised to find that the JC Penney "Mother Store" is actually still there in downtown Kemmererer. I figured that the corporate bean counters would have closed the store in Kemmerererer a long time ago.

Through all of my roadtripping lately, one thing has just amazed me, how many retread tire carcasses off of trucks are out there on our roads. They're everywhere! I've almost hit them on several occasions, and makes me glad that I am in my car instead of on my motorcycle. If I hit one with my car, it's not that big of a deal, other than the damage that it would do the front end. Hitting one with a motorcycle on the other hand, that could ruin you whole day if not your life! Don't these truck drivers who blow tires feel compelled to walk a little ways to at least kick them off of the road after they fix the flat?


At 10:00 AM, July 01, 2006, Blogger A said...

Only a few idiots.

I lived in Kemmerer from '83 to '92 (ages 3 to 12). It's a lovely little place. When I came back after ten years in California, I was surprised to find that JC Penney store still open (Evanston's has closed, in a town 50 miles away and four times the size of Kemmerer) and commented to the clerk that it must not make much money. She said, "We get so many tourists that we make more than the store in Cheyenne." You can also visit James Cash Penney's home, which has been restored and furnished to reflect life in the late 1800's - early 1900's.

Kemmerer is also the Fossil Fish Capital of the World, due to its proximity to the Green River Formation, and is home to the largest open-pit coal mine in the world. It was named for Mahlon S. Kemmerer, who started what is now Chevron's P&M Coal Mine.

But it really does make you want to add 'er's, doesn't it? I laughed so hard at "truckerer."

I hate roadkill tires, too.


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