Candle Light Dinner for One...
There are only two things that I miss about my ex-girlfriend. One - the 30% discount that I used to get at Starbucks because she worked there. Two - cooking for two is way easier than cooking for one. I love to cook! Any one who has had me cook for them has been duly impressed, however I don't think that I am THAT good at it. Maybe it's all in the presentation? Tonight I had mushroom tortelini with a red marinara sauce (spiced up a bit by yours truly), a nice salad with some mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes and fetta cheese topped off with some balsamic vinaigrette, and while I was cooking this up I munched on some French Bread all the while dipping it into some olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I also opened up a bottle of Clos du Bois Merlot... :) Candle light? Absolutely, gotta do the cool things for yourself!
Anyway, this evening, part of the reason that I made myself a nice dinner, is because something that my mother said to me the other night, and has been on my mind. My mother told me the other night that I needed my own family and children of my own. I responded to her by telling her that either way, whether I get married or not, I will be happy, and that I don't feel that I need to have children to vindicate my existence. I am sure that this is not what she, as well as my father wanted to hear. What I really wanted to tell my mother is that since college, I have lived in 4 other states, and I did not find any one in any of those places who was worthy, so the chances of me finding someone in Cody Wyoming are slim and none, and that slim just left the building. It's not being pessimistic, it's being realistic.
My Dad's brother who lives in Los Angeles (Monrovia to be exact, it's near Arcadia and Pasadena where the Rose Parade is held) never married, and I think that they are worried about me growing old alone like he is. Even though my Uncle lives by himself, he does have many good friends who treat him like family, in fact when I was visiting one time, he introduced me to some people who were quite shocked to find out that he did indeed have family that was actually blood relation.
So tonight, I drink to being me, and being happy, even though some think that I'm not where I should to be in life.
Worthy?! Wow. I think the pressure is getting to you. But good for you for evaluating- happiness is relative. You seem content and fulfilled, so don't let Mom shake your foundations. She just wants grandkids.
I know, I know, WORTHY is a strong word to use... But one thing that the experience with my exgf taught me is that not just anyone should stroll into your life and change everything...
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