I survived my trip to the Bay Area for Halloween... Along the way I saw some interesting signs.
East of Evanston Wyoming, there are several long hills that WYDOT has seen fit to outfit with 3 lanes, and to their credit, they have posted signs that state the following: TRUCKS PROHIBITED IN FAR LEFT LANE
I tempted fate all the way along my trip by running my bright red BMW coupe at about 85 mph, and the only thing that passed me was this truck with the words "Do it Gods Way" displayed prominently on the back end. He was driving like an idiot, way more aggressively than anyone in their right mind with an 80,000 pound vehicle should drive, twice, he pulled out in front of me into the FAR LEFT LANE while going up hill. Both times, I layed on the horn, as it was quite apparent he was meaning to cut me off. Idiot. If he was doing it god's way, it makes me wonder what god he was referring to? If it had gone on any longer, it could have been a scene from Duel!
At the rest area in Evanston, there is a coral for some Bison that they have out there to impress the tourists. Near the coral, there is a sign that says: BUFFALO ARE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. No shit? Wild animals are potentially dangerous? Can we get a sign put up that says HUMANS ARE STUPID? How about a sign posted out on the hill that says TRUCKERS THIS MEANS YOU?
Near Winnemucca Nevada, there is a billboard proclaiming that Battle Mountain Nevada was designated the Armpit of America by a poll taken by the Washington Post. How crappy of a place that Battle Mountain may be, I can think of a few places that are right there with it. Places like Richfield Idaho, Lovell Wyoming, Petersburg Indiana, Newton Iowa, Price Utah, Rawlins Wyoming and Owensboro Kentucky are right there vying for the title.
Stay tuned, more cool road trip stories are up!
No, I'm not anti-trucker at all, I understand how important the industry is to not only this country, but to the world. I also understand what it takes to get a CDL and that most drivers are subjected to drug testing programs and safety training by their respective carriers. The reason that I chose to relate this experience is that it was out of the ordinary, it was something that doesn't happen every day. Out of the thousands of trucks that I passed on that trip, that was the only one that did anything stupid. Learn to drive around trucks? Absolutely, sometimes in order to help traffic flow, the best thing that you can do is to give a truck extra room to make the pass. If a truck is travelling in the left lane to over take a truck in the right lane that is still several hundred yards off, and he moves back over to the right lane to let me pass. I always wave to let them know I appreciated it. Common courtesy.
Sure, my friend who originally responded to this post has a different opinion of your profession than do I, but she's entitled to that. So are you about this post. There, I have said my peace.
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