New Year's Resolutions
It's that time of year again people, another year has passed, and a new one is upon us. How did that happen? Let's see here One year ago, I had just returned to California after having had a very successful job interview and job offer from my new (and now current) company and was beginning to prepare for the arduous task of preparing to move some 1200 miles here to Cody. The year 2004 was no picnic for me, and it wasn't going to take much for 2005 to be a much better year, so I didn't bother making any New Year's Resolutions outside of just having a successful move. The move was of course successful, even though getting my car to Wyoming proved to be somewhat of a fiasco. The transport company couldn't get their shit together so I wound up flying out to San Jose and picking it up, which was cool because when it came to Wyoming, the trunk was full of wine.
This year, I have decided to make a couple Resolutions.
1. Meet More People - Yesterday, I got myself a membership at the local recreation center, which is quite nice for a little town like Cody. The reason to join the rec center was not for the sole intention of getting into shape, but because since I have lived in Cody for nearly a year now, I have met only a few people outside of work. When I lived in that shitty little town in Indiana, I met a lot of interesting people at the rec center there who surprisingly weren't white trash like what comprised most of the population in that town. I figure that if I was able to meet some cool people in Washington Indiana, I should be able to do the same here.
2. Biennial Flight Review - It is time. I have to do it. I was looking at my log book the other day, and the last time that I put any solo time in there was on September 23, 2000. The last time that any dual time was put in was on November 2, 2002. (interestingly, that dual time was signed off by an old friend from college who is a professional pilot now, we flew a 2001 Cessna 182 that day, San Carlos to Watsonville and back, talk about a $250 burrito at Zuniga's) The last few trips that I have made to Western Colorado for work would only take about 2 ½ hours in a Cessna 172, as opposed to 9 hours of driving, so there is a good reason too. Yes! I can do that under Part 91.
So, there you have it. Two very good, very doable New Year's Resolutions. I will keep everyone posted on how I am coming on it.
Ah ha! You are still out there! I knew that I would get a rise out of you with that comment! Yes Sunny, I must concur with you, I did meet a lot of good people while I was there, you and your family incuded, and that anywhere you live is indeed what you make it.
But the one thing that sticks out in my mind about living there is this; one day I am going to get gas at the Big Foot in Washington, and as I am walking to the store to pay for my gas, I am nearly run over by an old rusted out sedan carrying a woman and 4 small hungry, screaming, dirty children who aren't in car seats or buckled in for that matter. When I get inside, I'm standing in line behind her as she buys 2 cartons of Virginia Slims and blows $40 on Powerball tickets. I saw that type of thing way more in the that part of the world than anywhere else I have lived.
Sadly, it does tend to cloud what I think about when I do think about my time there Sunny, and I tend to overlook all of the good folks who made being there all the better, so thank you for reminding me.
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