Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Out for a ride...

One of the things that I've always enjoyed about having a Dual Purpose motorcycle is the ability to go off on trail roads that someone in a normal SUV would think twice about. Tonight, I went for a ride down county road 2ABW which was the original trail out of town and towards Yellowstone back in the day when Buffalo Bill was bamboozlling toursists (much as they still do today in this town). This road, which is a legal public right of way, crosses private land. Many years ago, the land owner who is a greedy bastard, barricaded the road. This last fall, Park county took the gates down, and now it's once again possible to traverse the section of the road up to the Bereau of Reclamation's gate at the mouth of the canyon.

The highway runs along the South side of the canyon, and up until recently accessing the North side was, well, not easy, and not exactly legal either... Damn No Trespassing signs!

My trusty ol' 1986 Honda Reflex

The Shoshone River, just down stream of Buffalo Bill Dam.

Yeah Right! Removing those few sections of grating are going to keep people from walking across this thing!