Even I'm a Dumbass Sometimes... Yes me.
So this morning, I am running some errands to acquire some stuff for Thursday Lunch at work, since it is my turn to grill. As I am driving through the Albertson's parking lot, I am approaching the area right in front of the store where you have to stop. No one is in this crosswalk area as I am approaching, and I think to myself, right on! I'll just pull a quick stop, and proceed through! As I am coming to a stop, out of nowhere, there are 12 people (or it seemed like 12 or 13 or 14) right there, wanting to cross in front of me in a frenzied manner. Arrrrrrgh!!
Without thinking, I say to myself, "why weren't there any people here until I stopped??".
Just then, I hear a woman say, "Go ahead! I wouldn't want to make you mad by making you wait!"
Busted! My windows were down, and I was thinking out loud... Did I feel like a dumbass? You bet I did!
Funny thing is, I still haven't gotten my Wyoming License plates, so that lady was probably thinking that I was another one of those damned California assholes driving a BMW who has come to invade small town America... :)
So remember kids, as my father used to tell me when I was young...
"Engage Brain Before Opening Mouth!"